Lovely tactile Seed of Life symbol on a slice of found wood. The Seed of Life is a universal symbol of creation found in all major religions and can be seen in many sites including the ancient Osirian temple in Abydos Egypt. A symbol of blessing and protection passed through generations and a strong creation and fertility symbol.
The name of this pattern instantly offers insight into its deeper meaning and purpose. The Seed of Life is a stage before the shape known as the Flower of Life which produces the "Fruit of Life". The Fruit of life is the base for the Metatron's Cube which holds the Platonic Solids in it which are said to be the building blocks of the universe thus bringing us back to the seed of life as the source.
The Seed of Life is formed from a relationship of 6 circles around one and each circle fits into this pattern like a lock and key, forming a dynamic field of possible geometric relationships which reveal the most fundamental shapes of Creation. These 7 circles mirror our chakras, the colours of the rainbow, musical scales and more. It forms a foundation upon which the infinite, fractal nature of life can be understood.
You have the option of having the piece as a palm symbol or as a pendant on an adjustable cord, please choose from the drop down box.
This piece is handmade and as with the nature of wood, colour and grain will vary a little and size are pprox 50-65mm / 2-2.5" diameter. Supplied in an organza drawstring bag.
All our handcrafted items are created with love, positive intentions and just a little magick )0(
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