Moonstone the birthstone for June
Moonstones are believed to be named for the bluish white spots within them, that when held up to light project a silvery play of colour very much like moonlight. When the stone is moved back and forth, the brilliant silvery rays appear to move about, like moonbeams playing over water. Moonstones come in a variety of colours from very pale through orange to almost black

Moonstone is associated with the Moon and the ancient Roman natural historian, Pliny, said that the moonstone changed in appearance with the phases of the moon, a belief that persisted until the sixteenth century. The ancient Romans also believed that the image of Diana, goddess of the moon, was enclosed within the stone. Moonstones were believed to have the power to bring victory, health, and wisdom to those who wore it.
Moonstone is a wonderfully helpful stone for women. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies in males or females. Many people find Moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress. Many women like Moonstone for its ability to balance hormonal and menstrual cycles.
Working with the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras, Moonstone connects us to divine inspiration and channels it into our own intuition. Working with Moonstone encourages introspection and judgment, yielding easier decision making. Moonstone also enhances one's emotional vision, bringing greater creative ability, and freedom of expression. These properties are also enhanced by Moonstone's ability to open one up to increased synchronicities, that we often cannot see due to our being wrapped up in our daily routines. Moonstone can also offer increased patience so those newly found synchronicities can flow into our lives unimpeded.
In India, the moonstone is considered a sacred stone and often displayed on a yellow cloth – yellow being considered a sacred colour. The stone is believed to bring good fortune, brought on by a spirit that lives within the stone.